From September 12 to December 5, 2022 I’ve worked at Axle Informatics as a Data Science/ Computer Science trainee. Before internship I didn’t have any professional experience with most of the things I’ve worked with and it was definitely a challenge for me.

Over the course of 12 weeks I feel proud of my achievements. I actually made a separate post for them because I did learn a lot while doing those two things.

  1. I got to learn Python. A lot. And I’ve enjoyed working with it a lot over the past months.
  2. I got to learn new about new things that I didn’t even know that they exist. For example, a Neuroglancer that I’ve worked with. A screenshot with my code is in the post.
  3. Also, I’ve learned about the Python library called Streamlit (and this is the link to my work using Streamlit). I’ve enjoyed working with it! About half of the code that’s in the github, in the repository (link to my code in the post) is what I wrote.

I loved going to the office couple of times I’ve been there, I loved meeting people I’ve had to interact with (and everyone was so friendly and nice! And sometimes it felt like people in this company are like one big large family) and felt very sad that my time at this company has come to an end.