This post is about coding meetups in DC area. I attend lot of these since about winter 2022 (back then - I attended a lot of the meetups virtually). I love going to those meetups because it’s one of the few places where you can talk to the like-minded people. Also, if you are a junior developer and you are stuck, then there will definitely be people who will be glad to help out. If a person is looking for a job - that’s a perfect place to network.

Over the past few months, I’ve been going to: WomenHack event, NoVa code and coffee, Code for DC, and I’ve started talking with people at Code for Baltimore.

WomenHack event is usually happening during the week and not very often, after business hours; it’s a world-wide event. I went to this event because I’m looking for a job and didn’t personally like this event because there was only 1 company present, while I was hoping to see recruiters present from more companies.

NoVa Code and Coffee is very friendly and laid back event, happening about once a month on Saturday mornings. It’s nice to chat with people and get to know everyone, everyone gets to introduce themselves. And a person can meet at this event different people from developers to directors from different companies. Usually people do their own projects at this meetup and enjoy eating donuts while drinking coffee. I’ve been helping them out for a while now.

Code for DC is a laid-back event, it’s more like a monthly social that is happening once a month on Wednesdays after business hours. People come there to work with project that are related to DC. It can be an app, a website, or something else. After the meetup, there is an “after-party” happy hour at the bar. I loved this meetup because you can eat dinner, help out community, and then socialize some more at the bar.

Baltimore tech community has two meetups: Code for Baltimore is and Baltimore code and coffee. Baltimore Code and Coffee is simular to NoVa code and coffee and it’s also happening once a month on Saturday mornings. I haven’t been to either (code for Baltimore and Baltimore code and coffee) yet, hopefully I’ll have a chance to visit that group of people sometime this year. Right now, I’m helping them out remotely.